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Mechanical tests
Test methods
Thermal insulation products must have certain mechanical properties according to the use to be made of the product. Consequently, the following mechanical properties can be determined.
Shear behaviourfor insulating products that are part of External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) where the product is subjected to tangential forces.
Compression and compression creepfor products subjected to loads (floors and roofs).
Tensile strength perpendicular to faces when the product is subject to adherences stresses and when the intrinsic weight or suction caused by wind subjects the product to tensile forces.
Bending strength in order to guarantee good cohesion of the insulation product (EPS) when handling the product.
Parallel strength parallel to faces to guarantee the physical integrity of the panels and to verify the stress resistance in use.
Compressibility when the product guarantees a certain degree of elasticity, e.g. in stress applications such as floating flooring.
Point load resistance when the product is subjected to localised stresses.
Resistance to freeze / thaw cyclesin products that are subjected to the effects of freezing. After thermal treatment the variation of the resistance to compression is assessed.