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CEIS, centro de ensayos Innovación y servicios

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Determination of ash content. Method A: Direct calcination.

Test methods

A sample is calcined to eliminate organic matter and the residue is maintained at a high temperature until a constant mass is achieved.

Products to test

Plastics piping systems for building and discharge of waste water made of:

  • Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) (structured wall) EN 1453-1
  • Polypropylene (PP) EN 1451-1

Recycled plastics:

  • Polyethylene UNE 53978/EN 15344
  • Polypropylene UNE 53972/EN 15345
  • PVC EN 15346/ UNE EN 15346
  • Polystyrene UNE 15342/ UNE EN 15342